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Ritual Abuse
and Mind Control 

Ritual Abuse

Ritual abuse refers to repetitive, harsh physical, sexual and spiritual abuse of children, adolescents and adults that can include ceremonial practices or rituals done to appease or win favor with deities such as satan, gods, and goddesses that may include human sacrifice. What separates ritual abuse from other types of abuse is that the physical abuse is brutal and can include torture. The psychological torment involves intimidation to illicit terror of the perpetrators and to gain power and control over the victim. The physical and psychological effects are extremely damaging leaving it hard for a survivor to trust anyone or to feel safety or security in the world. The sexual abuse is sadistic, painful and humiliating as a means of shaming and gaining complete authority over the victim. Sometimes multi-generational, the abusive rituals can include mind control techniques, mood altering drugs, intimidation and terrorism to convey to the victim that no one is safe. Satanism, abusive witchcraft, and spiritual abuse is sometimes used to implant religious indoctrination and to try to destroy the concept of a loving God; producing an estrangement, terror or a hostility towards God leaving them feeling abandoned, worthless, and in a constant state of terror, mental confusion and dissociation. The psychological abuse is intended to cause intolerable conflicts and beliefs, self hatred and betrayal of oneself by people in power. Rites can include vows, mock marriages to satan, mock crucifixions, being raped by people posing as Jesus, and other binding forced agreements to enslave a person to the group and satan. Many survivors end up having difficulty with anyone in authority and live in a constant dissociated state, with persistent terror, anxiety, panic, and confusion.

Click Here for Extensive List of Indicators of Ritual Abuse 







Click Here for a List of Indicators of Ritual Abuse Trauma

in Play and and Art by Dr. Ellen Lacter





To download the ebook on RA/MC written by Sharri Burggraaf click on the button below

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Mind Control

Mind Control

Mind control is systematic torture by individuals and criminal groups like sex rings, international traffickers of children, women, drugs, guns, and cults with spiritual agendas that seek to control and exploit their victims. They do this by inciting fear and indoctrinating an individual usually from childhood to create trauma-induced dissociated identities. These identities are programmed for specific roles to be used for child pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and other more elite roles such as an assassin or spy by groups with military, political, criminal, and espionage agendas. Amnesiac walls prevent the person from being consciously aware of what they were subjected to, hide personalities from each other and hide the programming that is “installed” in deeply dissociated states who then are activated by contact, hypnotic suggestions, being accessed, to bypass their own free will, choices, and whose only “job” is to blindly follow directives, commands and instructions with their conscious awareness. 

This is achieved through terror and torture causing horrific pain, forcing the person into complete submission. Through interrogation and brainwashing methods thoughts and beliefs are then implanted (otherwise known as programming/conditioning). The methods that are used include the use of illegal drugs, brain stimulation through electric shock, near death experiences, spinning, drowning or waterboarding, sensory overload, being deprived of oxygen, food and sleep, isolation, confinement, exposure to extreme cold or heat, illusions, and hypnosis. 
Perpetrator groups slowly gain a child’s trust and the child may be severely punished for any aspect of play, creativity, wish, fantasy or their own desires and is trained to only look to adults for permission in all aspects of life, including internal. The result is the belief that there is no true safety, no one will help, the group will know and find out everything that they think, feel, or do, and you can’t think for yourself or can’t trust yourself or your own reality.  Abusers go to great lengths to prey on a child’s attachment and basic survival needs for love and security to cause them to become dependent and to bond with them specifically to form loyalty and an alliance of sorts telling them that no one will love them but the group/abuser. Double binds, no-win situations, threats against victims of their loved ones and other victims that are held as captives, vows to group/entities, set up betrayals and promised secrecy are instilled along with compliance to the group rules. The child grows up abandoning and betraying themselves.   Not only do these acts of terrorism violate the person’s moral and spiritual convictions, it sets up intolerable conflicts in their mind that cause intrasystem divisiveness and hostility with extreme self hatred. Forced rituals are done to make the victim believe that they are as bad or evil as the abusers and to feel like they are accomplices to their own abuse and abuse of others in the group and that they are just as guilty of the murder of others. This causes extreme feelings of unworthiness, guilt, and shame.  These steps are done to instill the following beliefs: they will be found out, they are incapable of making it outside of the group and that they don’t belong anywhere but with “them”.  The “do not remember, do not tell, and suicide” programs are reinforced with shaming and punishment to condition the victim by showing them what will happen to them and the people they love. Specific commands with threats attached (example: the death of loved ones or pets) are instilled if they deviate from specific directives or try to escape. Programs can be set off when accessed and cued to behave in post hypnotic instructed ways. (A certain knock on the door, phone call, hand signal, etc.). Conditioning can also be set off when going against a programmed belief to never try to tell anyone or to get help. For example, when going to a therapist. Programs can include identities being instructed to physically re-experience original torture for violating the commands of the original conditioning (like getting too close to the memories of trauma). Somatic whip marks, bruises, knife cuts, and intense pain can manifest in the parts of the person (body memories) that may cause a survivor intense fear when memories are going to surface or when the survivor is doing something that is perceived as disobedience.  



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